
Get in touch

Thank you for your interest in contacting Tech c, the techno Dj & producer based in Naples, Italy. We are always happy to connect with new people and discuss music. The best way to reach us is through our official social media channels, where we regularly share updates, upcoming events and new releases. You can find us on Instagram .@techc_dj., Facebook .@techcdj. and Soundcloud .@techcdj..

Place an order

To place an order for a track produced by Tech c, customers can visit his official website and navigate to the "Shop" section. From there, they can browse through his available tracks and add the desired ones to their cart. Once all desired tracks have been added, customers can proceed to checkout where they will be prompted to enter their shipping and payment information. After completing the transaction, customers will receive a confirmation email with a download link for their purchased tracks.

Tech C DJ

Techc is available for music consultation services, drawing from his extensive knowledge and experience in the techno and house music scenes. He can provide valuable insight and advice on production techniques, track selection, and DJing skills. Whether you are an aspiring producer or looking to improve your skills as a DJ, Techc can help guide and mentor you towards your goals.

Contact us

A.R 1 NAPLES, 80126


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